Sandra Hack
„Der Aufbau einer gemeinsamen Aufsichtskultur ist ein strategisches Ziel der Europäischen Aufsichtsbehörde für das Versicherungswesen und die betriebliche Altersversorgung (EIOPA) und ein grundlegender Schritt, um die Entwicklung einer qualitativ hochwertigen, wirksamen und kohärenten Aufsicht in der gesamten Europäischen Union sicherzustellen und ein für alle europäischen Versicherungsnehmer gleiches Schutzniveau zu gewährleisten. Zusammenarbeit ist hier das Schlüsselwort und nicht Verdrängung.“
Principal Expert
EIOPA - Europäische Aufsichtsbehörde für das Versicherungswesen und die betriebliche Altersversorgung, Frankfurt am Main
Currently, she is leading the European pension funds’ stress test and has designed EIOPA’s pensions reporting. Further, her responsibilities include EIOPA’s activities around insurers and pension funds’ financial statements and accounting. From 2014 to 2018, she was the Team Leader of EIOPA’s pension policy team, which is dealing with a wide range of tasks related to prudential and supervisory issues in the area of private pensions in Europe. In this context, Sandra is the lead of EIOPA’s Inter-departmental Project Group on the Pan-European Personal Pensions Product, the PEPP.
Sandra joined EIOPA in 2011 as a Senior Expert on Valuation and has been responsible for EIOPA’s work on the valuation of assets and liabilities for the purposes of Solvency II. Further, she has been EIOPA’s accounting expert with various engagements at European and international level regarding the development, endorsement and enforcement of the International Financial Reporting Standards – the IFRSs.
From 2007 to 2011 Sandra worked for the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). Her main responsibilities were linked to the project on Insurance Contracts where she developed policy proposals and managed the related global outreach activities. Before joining the IASB, Sandra was a lecturer for international and group accounting at the Technische Universität Berlin and technical advisor in the accounting policy departments of DZ BANK and Ernst & Young’s National Offices. Prior to that, she held several posts in national standard-setting, consulting services and external audit.
Sandra gained her master’s degree in Business, Economics and Social Sciences at Universität Hohenheim.